Hardback book for…Spirits of the Hedgerow Oracle deck
Hardback book for…Spirits of the Hedgerow Oracle deck
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This is the optional hard back book for the Spirits of the Hedgerow Oracle deck. It is not needed to be able to use the deck, just to supplements the Oracle.
It is a full colour 86 page A5 book, with illustrations, photographs and additional extras. Alongside each Oracle card and it’s plant is a detailed description of the plants history and uses. Each card has an additional insight into how I use it in day to day practice, including recipes and rituals.
The book is a love letter to my Oracle deck, I felt so passionately about illustrating and creating the Oracle, it spilled over into this booklet of history, ancient stories and tales, folk tales. Recipes and foraging expeditions. I compiled the book, never truly expecting anyone else to see the whole contents of the research that went into the deck. However the Kickstarter community who originally funded the first edition of the Oracle cried out for the hard book. Since then it has sold out twice!
i hope you enjoy the book as much as I did creating it. Many thanks